10 May

News & Offers

Free, Fun ‘Walk & Talks’ To Launch On Wimbledon Common


Walk & Talk Wimbledon Common - walkers on a sunny day
Free and fun weekly walk and talks for the whole community are coming to Wimbledon Common every Saturday at 10.30am from 13th May – starting at the War Memorial. The walks, organised by the Walk & Talk Movement, are a chance for all generations to take a stroll, chat, meet friends and neighbours, make new friends and  enjoy their local area and green spaces together. From older adults to young children, from buggies to beagles – everybody can join in. Walk and Talks are inclusive, accessible, fun and friendly – so the whole community can take part and benefit. You can walk at any pace you like. No booking, no reservations, just turn up and you will get a very warm welcome.
The Wimbledon Society and Wimbledon and Putney Commons will be supporting the weekly Walk and Talks, which will include great walks around Wimbledon Common and Wimbledon Village.
The launch event on May 13th will be attended by Stephen Hammond MP and the Mayor of Merton, Cllr Joan Henry and all walkers will be invited to enjoy complimentary refreshments afterwards at Cannizaro House.