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11 Oct


Cambodia: The Sacred Art of Angkor and Living Arts


Angkor Wat image for Arts Society lecture

An Arts Society Lecture by Denise Heywood


The Hindu temple complex of Angkor in Cambodia is the greatest archaeological site in Asia. Within an area of 400 square kilometres there are dozens of temples, many covered in jungle but the most important of them all is Angkor Wat. Built in the 12th century, Angkor Wat is the biggest religious monument in the world and measures a square mile. This lecture from Denise Heywood will focus on the artistic heritage and religious symbolism of Angkor. It will reveal the historical background and show the evolution of the Khymer empire and its flowering of sculptural art which was dedicated to religious building. Other temples such as the Bayon, and Banteay Srei, will also be highlighted.


Venue: Sacred Heart Church Hall, Edge Hill, London SW19 4LU. Lectures are also available on Zoom.


Time: 8 – 9.30 pm (with coffee available from 7.30 pm)

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