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11 Sep


Charlie Chaplin: Tortured Genius


Charlie Chaplin image: Arts Society Wimb Lecture

An Arts Society Wimbledon lecture by Colin Shingler


Charlie Chaplin was a man of contradictions – a playboy and a workaholic, an innovative artist and the last to embrace talking pictures. He revolutionised the language of cinema and he became the most universally recognised performer of all time. He had a tortured private life but used elements of that in his films and made political stands, drawing on the experiences of immigrants and the urban poor and memories of his own childhood in the slums of London.


Where & When

Arts Society Talks are held at the Sacred Heart Church Hall, Edge Hill, London SW19 4LU and on Zoom, on the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) starting at 8pm. Coffee is served from 7.30pm onwards when members have a chance to meet one another. Zoom viewers may join at 7.45pm.

More Details